
2009 ELT Final Project

Creating a project is part of this course. The goal of the project is to have put into action one or more of the technology-related techniques or tools from this course, with documentation about what the course was like before and after using the new technique or tool.

What are we supposed to do?

Project goal: Plan and put into action a change related to technology use in your classroom.

  • Describe the student population, setting, course goal, student needs.
  • Identify a problem/issue in your class that could be solved or improved with technology.
  • Do research related to the problem/solution(s) you identify.
  • Create a plan for investigating the problem and trying different solutions.
  • Carry out the plan.
  • Document and report on the change you made and the results of the change.
  • Write a final report.

Helpful Resources for your Project

Project information from this page in a PDF file.

Project Planning Guide – PDF file. This will help you prepare for your project.

Sample final report templates

You can use one of these templates, or you can create your own document that has the same basic components – the setting and students, the issue to be addressed, your initial plan, what happened and your reflection, what you did next and what happened, your conclusion that offers suggestions for others, and your resource list/bibliography. If you had students try different websites, please include what those were in your resource list. The articles in the Resource section below offer some examples.

Some additional resources about action research

This site offers a broad overview of action research – definitions and examples – as set in a US school. It includes a number of additional articles, as well.

This is a report from an actual action research project with English language learners: